Japan Tour: 15-30 / 10 / 24 15th @ Hako Gallery, Tokyo/ StePper http://hakogallery.jp |
16th @ Bonobo, Tokyo/ StePper https://www.bonobo.jp/ |
17th @ Mujuryoku Session, Tokyo/ StePper https://www.instagram.com/mujuryoku_session_official |
18th @ Enbeach, Toyohashi/ StePper https://www.instagram.com/cafe_enbeach/ |
19th @ Duct, Nagoya/ StePper https://www.instagram.com/duct_iseyama/https://www.instagram.com/spaziorita/ |
20th @ Studio T Bone, Osaka (Paed and Steve ) |
23rd @Metro,Kyoto/ StePper https://www.metro.ne.jp/ |
24th @ Big Apple, Kobe (Paed and Steve) |
25th @Nagomi Bar, Kobe StePper https://www.instagram.com/nagomibar_kobe/ |
26th @ Martinique, Osaka/ StePper |
27th @ https://gallerykag.jp/ Kurashiki Avant Garde StePper |
29th@ Forest Limit, Tokyo StePper https://www.forestlimit.com/ |
19/05/2024 @ Umbo, Zurich https://www.umbo.wtf/event/decennaium-ex-spatio
03-07/05/23@ Fuel Art Space, Beirut Lebanon https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063478840862
29/04/2024 @ Kunstraum Walcheturm , Zurich https://www.walcheturm.ch/archive/buy-my-snake-oil-vol-5
13/05/23 @Frequent Defect, Beirut Lebanon https://www.facebook.com/frequentdefect/
27/10/23@ Kraftfeld,Winterthur https://www.kraftfeld.ch/
15/06/23@GDSfm.Sender, Zurich
08/06/23 @ SIHL Records, Zurich https://www.sihlrecords.com/
20/05/23 @ ZWZ, Zurich https://zentralwaescherei.space/en
13/05/23 @Frequent Defect, Beirut Lebanon https://www.facebook.com/frequentdefect/
03-07/05/23@ Fuel Art Space, Beirut Lebanon https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063478840862